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Social Groups 
HIgh School (age 14-18) 

Do you feel lonely and want 

more friends?

Here is a social opportunity for you!

Social Groups are for adolescents (ages 14-18 high school) to connect with their peers and create friendships. We provide a safe, compassionate atmosphere for 6-8 like-minded adolescents to meet, interact and connect with each other.  The social group meets for 4 consecutive weeks which allows for adolescents to practice skills taught and get to know each other.  Social Groups are activity-based, semi-structured opportunities which will empower your adolescent to be a leader, team player and friend.  These groups are designed to develop connection with their peers while learning and reinforcing social skills. These positive social interactions will boost their self-confidence and self-esteem.


COST - $250 (4 weeks - 45 minute)

Paid in full prior to start of session.

No refunds for absences.


High School Group - 6-8 adolescents

Saturday's @ 2:00-2:45pm


DATES: Saturday's

Session 1: Oct 19, 26 & Nov 2, 9

Session 2: April 26 & May 3, 10, 17 



Focus:  Fundamentals of Building Connections, Identifying Common Interests, Conversational Skills, Collaborating, Compromising, Improving Self-Esteem & Confidence, Perspective Taking & Empathy, Respect & Sportsmanship.



Does this sound like you?

Do you struggle with social interactions?

Do you have difficulty reading nonverbal cues (facial expression, tone of voice, body language)?

Would you say you sometimes feel socially awkward?

Do you have difficulty understanding cause and effect in a relationship?

Do you have some difficulty with give and take of a conversation?

Do you not realize when your behavior is annoying to others?

Do you want nothing more than to feel accepted?


**Interested in enrolling?  REGISTER & complete the google form 

Social Skills for Kids will keep your registration information on their waiting list until registration opens for the upcoming session. We will then email you and request a day/time for us to chat about your child's needs. 


Social Group are geared towards adolescents in general education with average intelligence and language skills. Students with ADD/ADHD, high functioning Autism, 2e or twice exceptional challenges, non-verbal learning disorder, learning difficulties, anxiety and depression will benefit from this social groups.



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